Search Elements:
- Taxonomy
- us-gaap
- Name
- CashFlowsBetweenTransfereeAndTransferorProceedsFromCollectionsReinvestedInRevolvingPeriodTransfers
- Label
- Cash Flows Between Transferor and Transferee, Proceeds from Collections Reinvested in Revolving Period Transfers
- Period Type
- duration
- Balance Type
- debit
- Type
- xbrli:monetaryItemType
- Definition
- Cash Flows between a transferor and a transferee attributable to collections reinvested in revolving period transfers related to either a securitization, asset-backed financing arrangement, or similar transfer in which the transferor has continuing involvement with the transferred financial assets underlying the transaction (including, but not limited to, servicing, recourse, and restrictions on transferor''s interests in the transferred financial assets).