Data Dictionary
Calendar |
CalcbenchData(metric, companyIdentifier, year, period)
metric |
Calcbench Standardized Metric |
companyIdentifier |
ticker or 10-digit CIK |
year |
Calendar year, e.g. 2017. Or 0 , -1 , -2 ... with MRQ /MRY period for trailing year/quarter.
period |
Calendar period {Q1 , Q2 , Q3 , Q4 , Y , 1H , 3QCUM }
/{1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 0 , 5 , 6 }.
Or {MRQ , MRY } for most recent quarter/year.
Quarterly values can be followed by TTM for trailing twelve months. e.g. Q1 TTM .
=CalcbenchData("Revenue", "MSFT", 2013, "Y")
=CalcbenchData("Revenue", "MSFT", 2013, "Q2 TTM")
=CalcbenchData("Revenue", "MSFT", 0, "MRY")
=CalcbenchData("Revenue", "MSFT", 1, "MRQ")
=CalcbenchData("Revenue", "MSFT", 0, "MRQ TTM")
=CalcbenchData("CAPEX", "DAL", 2013, "1H")
CalcbenchDataFiscalPeriod(metric, ticker, year, period)
metric |
Calcbench Standardized Metric |
companyIdentifier |
ticker or 10-digit CIK |
year |
Fiscal year e.g. 2017. Or 0 , -1 , -2 ... with MRQ /MRY period for trailing year/quarter.
period |
Fiscal period {Q1 , Q2 , Q3 , Q4 , Y , 1H , 3QCUM }
/{1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 0 , 5 , 6 }.
Or {MRQ , MRY } for most recent quarter/year.
Quarterly values can be followed by TTM for trailing twelve months. e.g. Q1 TTM .
=CalcbenchDataFiscalPeriod("Revenue", "MSFT", 2013, "Y")
CalcbenchDataAsOriginallyReported(metric, ticker, year, period)
metric |
Calcbench Standardized Metric |
companyIdentifier |
ticker or 10-digit CIK |
year |
Calendar year, e.g. 2017. Or 0 , -1 , -2 ... with MRQ /MRY period for trailing year/quarter.
period |
Calendar period {Q1 , Q2 , Q3 , Q4 , Y , 1H , 3QCUM }
/{1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 0 , 5 , 6 }.
Or {MRQ , MRY } for most recent quarter/year.
Quarterly values can be followed by TTM for trailing twelve months. e.g. Q1 TTM .
=CalcbenchDataAsOriginallyReported("revenue", "msft", 2015, 0)
CalcbenchDataFiscalPeriodAsOriginallyReported(metric, ticker, year, period)
metric |
Calcbench Standardized Metric |
companyIdentifier |
ticker or 10-digit CIK |
year |
Fiscal year e.g. 2017. Or 0 , -1 , -2 ... with MRQ /MRY period for trailing year/quarter.
period |
Fiscal period {Q1 , Q2 , Q3 , Q4 , Y , 1H , 3QCUM }
/{1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 0 , 5 , 6 }.
Or {MRQ , MRY } for most recent quarter/year.
Quarterly values can be followed by TTM for trailing twelve months. e.g. Q1 TTM .
=CalcbenchDataFiscalPeriodAsOriginallyReported("revenue", "msft", 2015, 0)
CalcbenchStandardizedArray({metrics}, {companyIdentifiers}, {fiscalPeriods}, {startDate}, {endDate})
Metrics |
Metric or array of metrics
Company Identifiers |
ticker/CIKs or array of tickers/CIKs |
Fiscal Periods |
Fiscal periods or array of fiscal periods.
Fiscal periods look like 2020-0 or 2021-3.
Start Date |
Date, get all data from this date on. |
End Date |
Date, get all data up to (but not including) this date. |
XBRL Tag - Numeric
CalcbenchXBRLTag(XBRLTag, ticker, year, period, dimension (optional))
XBRLtag |
XBRL Tag- find tags
companyIdentifier |
ticker or 10-digit CIK |
year |
Calendar year, e.g. 2017. Or 0 , -1 , -2 ... with MRQ /MRY period for trailing year/quarter.
period |
Calendar period {Q1 , Q2 , Q3 , Q4 , Y , 1H , 3QCUM }
/{1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 0 , 5 , 6 }.
Or {MRQ , MRY } for most recent quarter/year.
dimension (optional) |
XBRL dimension
=CalcbenchXBRLTag("CapitalizedComputerSoftwareAmortization", "MSFT", 2012, 0)
CalcbenchXBRLTagFiscalPeriod(XBRLTag, ticker, year, period, dimension (optional))
XBRLtag |
XBRL Tag - find tags
companyIdentifier |
ticker or 10-digit CIK |
year |
Fiscal year e.g. 2017. Or 0 , -1 , -2 ... with MRQ /MRY period for trailing year/quarter.
Fiscal period {Q1 , Q2 , Q3 , Q4 , Y , 1H , 3QCUM }
/{1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 0 , 5 , 6 }.
Or {MRQ , MRY } for most recent quarter/year.
dimension (optional)
XBRL dimension
=CalcbenchXBRLTagFiscalPeriod("assets", "msft", 2015, 0)
=CalcbenchXBRLTagFiscalPeriod("SalesRevenueNet", "INTC", 2015, "Y", "ChinaIncludingHongKongMember")
CalcbenchXBRLTagAsOriginallyReported(XBRLtag, ticker, year, period, dimension (optional))
XBRLtag |
XBRL Tag - find tags
companyIdentifier |
ticker or 10-digit CIK |
year |
Calendar year, e.g. 2017. Or 0 , -1 , -2 ... with MRQ /MRY period for trailing year/quarter.
period |
Calendar period {Q1 , Q2 , Q3 , Q4 , Y , 1H , 3QCUM }
/{1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 0 , 5 , 6 }.
Or {MRQ , MRY } for most recent quarter/year.
=CalcbenchXBRLTagAsOriginallyReported("assets", "msft", 2017, 0)
CalcbenchXBRLTagFiscalPeriodAsOriginallyReported(XBRLtag, ticker, year, period, dimension (optional))
XBRLtag |
XBRL Tag - find tags
companyIdentifier |
ticker or 10-digit CIK |
year |
Fiscal year e.g. 2017. Or 0 , -1 , -2 ... with MRQ /MRY period for trailing year/quarter.
period |
Fiscal period {Q1 , Q2 , Q3 , Q4 , Y , 1H , 3QCUM }
/{1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 0 , 5 , 6 }.
Or {MRQ , MRY } for most recent quarter/year.
=CalcbenchXBRLTagFiscalPeriodAsOriginallyReported("assets", "msft", 2017, 0)
Disclosure Text Available Disclosures
CalcbenchDisclosureText(disclosureName, ticker, year, period)
metric |
Disclosure Name
companyIdentifier |
ticker or 10-digit CIK |
year |
Calendar year, e.g. 2017.
period |
Calendar period {Q1 , Q2 , Q3 , Q4 , Y }/
{1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 0 }.
=CalcbenchDisclosureText("ManagementsDiscussionAndAnalysis", "goog", 2015, "Y")
Fiscal |
CalcbenchDisclosureTextFiscalPeriod(disclosureName, ticker, fiscalYear, fiscalPeriod)
metric |
Disclosure Name
companyIdentifier |
ticker or 10-digit CIK |
year |
Fiscal year, e.g. 2017.
period |
Fiscal period {Q1 , Q2 , Q3 , Q4 , Y }/
{1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 0 }.
=CalcbenchDisclosureTextFiscalPeriod("IncomeTaxes", "goog", 2015, "Y")
XBRL Text Block
CalcbenchXBRLTextTag(XBRLTag, ticker, year, period)
metric |
XBRL Text Tag, find tags
companyIdentifier |
ticker or 10-digit CIK |
year |
Calendar year, e.g. 2017.
period |
Calendar period {Q1 , Q2 , Q3 , Q4 , Y }/
{1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 0 }.
=CalcbenchXBRLTextTag("EarningsPerShareTextBlock", "GOOG", 2017, "Y")
CalcbenchXBRLTextTagFiscalPeriod(tag, ticker, year, period)
metric |
XBRL Text Tag, find tags
companyIdentifier |
ticker or 10-digit CIK |
year |
Fiscal year e.g. 2017.
period |
Fiscal period {Q1 , Q2 , Q3 , Q4 , Y }/
{1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 0 }.
=CalcbenchXBRLTextTagFiscalPeriod("EarningsPerShareTextBlock", "GOOG", 2017, "Y")
Non-XBRL Fact ID ?
CalcbenchNonXBRLFactID(fact_id, extract_tag (optional), year (optional), period (optional), unscale (optional))
Non-XBRL fact
fact_id |
Identifier assigned to fact by Calcbench
extract_tag (optional) |
Stemmed text used to extract the number, in general it should be stable across time but not across companies. |
year* (optional) |
Fiscal year e.g. 2017.
period* (optional) |
Fiscal period {Q1 , Q2 , Q3 , Q4 , Y }/
{1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 0 }.
unscale (optional) |
Reverts to the unscaled, as reported value. EG: 1.7 instead of 1,700,000.
*Used to find the eqivalent fact for that period, if exists. |
=CalcbenchNonXBRLFactID(337232493, "TangiblBookValuPerShare_PerShare", 2021, "4Q")