Search Elements:
- Taxonomy
- us-gaap
- Name
- CondensedFinancialInformationOfParentCompanyOnlyDisclosureTextBlock
- Label
- Condensed Financial Information of Parent Company Only Disclosure [Text Block]
- Period Type
- duration
- Type
- dtr-types:textBlockItemType
- Definition
- The entire disclosure for condensed financial information, including the financial position, cash flows, and the results of operations of the registrant (parent company) as of the same dates or for the same periods for which audited consolidated financial statements are being presented. Alternatively, the details of this disclosure can be reported by the specific parent company taxonomy elements, indicating the appropriate date and period contexts in an instance document.
991000 - Disclosure - SEC Schedule, Article 12-04, Condensed Financial Information of Registrant
- DescriptionOfMaterialContingenciesOfParentCompany
- DescriptionOfSignificantProvisionsOfLongTermObligationsOfParentCompany
- DescriptionOfMandatoryDividendOrRedemptionProvisionsOfRedeemableStockOfParentCompany
- DescriptionOfGuaranteesGivenByParentCompany
- OtherParentCompanyDisclosures
- LongTermDebtByMaturityAbstract
- LongTermDebtMaturitiesRepaymentsOfPrincipalRemainderOfFiscalYear
- LongTermDebtRollingMaturityAbstract
- CashDividendsPaidToParentCompanyAbstract
- ScheduleOfCondensedFinancialStatementsTableTextBlock
- ScheduleOfCondensedBalanceSheetTableTextBlock
- ScheduleOfCondensedIncomeStatementTableTextBlock
- CondensedStatementOfComprehensiveIncomeTableTextBlock
- ScheduleOfCondensedCashFlowStatementTableTextBlock