XBRL Tag: CostMethodInvestmentsAggregateCarryingAmountNotEvaluatedForImpairment
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CostMethodInvestmentsAggregateCarryingAmountNotEvaluatedForImpairment - (DEPRECATED)
Cost-method Investments, Aggregate Carrying Amount, Not Evaluated for Impairment
Period Type
Balance Type
This element represents the aggregate carrying amount of all cost-method investments held by the Entity which was not evaluated for impairment. Because the fair value of cost-method investments is not readily determinable, the evaluation of whether an investment is impaired generally consists of whether an event or change in circumstances has occurred during the reporting period that may have a significant adverse effect on the fair value of the investment (an "impairment indicator"). Impairment indicators include, but are not limited to: (1) significant deterioration in the earnings performance, credit rating, asset quality, or business prospects of the investee; (2) significant adverse change in the regulatory, economic, or technological environment of the investee; (3) significant adverse change in the general market condition of either the geographic area or the industry in which the investee operates; (4) a bona fide offer to purchase (whether solicited or unsolicited), an offer by the investee to sell, or a completed auction process for the same or similar security for an amount less than the cost of the investment; or (5) factors that raise significant concerns about the investee''s ability to continue as a going concern, such as negative cash flows from operations, working capital deficiencies, or noncompliance with statutory capital requirements or debt covenants.

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