Search Elements:
- Taxonomy
- us-gaap
- Name
- EnvironmentalLossContingencyDisclosureTextBlock
- Label
- Environmental Loss Contingency Disclosure [Text Block]
- Period Type
- duration
- Type
- dtr-types:textBlockItemType
- Definition
- The entire disclosure for environmental loss contingencies, such as presence of hazardous waste, relevant information from reports issued by regulators, and estimated costs to achieve compliance with regulatory requirements. This element may be used for all of an entity''s disclosures about environmental loss contingencies.
425000 - Disclosure - Environmental Remediation Obligations
- ApplicabilityImpactAndConclusionOfEnvironmentalLossContingenciesAbstract
- AccrualForEnvironmentalLossContingenciesDisclosureAbstract
- RecordedThirdPartyRecoveriesRelatedToEnvironmentalRemediationObligationsAbstract
- ScheduleOfEnvironmentalLossContingenciesBySiteTextBlock
- EnvironmentalPropertySaleDisposalOrAbandonmentCostsAbstract
- EnvironmentalRemediationCostsRecognizedAbstract