XBRL Tag: FederalFundsSoldAndSecuritiesPurchasedUnderAgreementsToResell
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Federal Funds Sold and Securities Purchased under Agreements to Resell
Period Type
Balance Type
Includes: (1) the amount outstanding of funds lent to other depository institutions, securities brokers, or securities dealers in the form of Federal Funds sold; for example, immediately available funds lent under agreements or contracts that mature in one business day or roll over under a continuing contract, regardless of the nature of the transaction or the collateral involved, excluding overnight lending for commercial and industrial purposes. Also include Federal Funds sold under agreements to resell on a gross basis, excluding (1) sales of term Federal Funds, (2) due bills representing purchases of securities or other assets by the reporting bank that have not yet been delivered and similar instruments, (3) resale agreements that mature in more than one business day involving assets other than securities, and (4) yield maintenance dollar repurchase agreements (Federal Funds Sold) and (2) the dollar amount outstanding of funds lent in the form of security resale agreements regardless of maturity, if the agreement requires the bank to resell the identical security purchased or a security that meets the definition of substantially the same in the case of a dollar roll. Also include purchases of participations in pools of securities, regardless of maturity (Securities Purchased Under Agreements to Re-sell).
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