Search Elements:
- Taxonomy
- us-gaap
- Name
- GuaranteeObligationsMember
- Label
- Guarantee Obligations [Member]
- Period Type
- duration
- Type
- dtr-types:domainItemType
- Definition
- A written or oral contract that obligates the guarantor to either pay cash or perform services if another party fails to perform specified actions or achieve specified results.
450000 - Disclosure - Commitment and Contingencies
- FinancialStandbyLetterOfCreditMember
- MarketValueGuaranteeMember
- PropertyLeaseGuaranteeMember
- StockMarketPriceGuaranteeMember
- GuaranteeOfScheduledContractualCashFlowsFromAssetsOfSpecialPurposeEntitySPEMember
- GuaranteeOfBusinessRevenueMember
- PerformanceGuaranteeMember
- GuaranteeOfIndebtednessOfOthersMember
- StandbyLettersOfCreditMember
- IndemnificationGuaranteeMember
- IndirectGuaranteeOfIndebtednessMember
- SuretyBondMember