Search Elements:
Element was deprecated because the guidance from which this element is derived is no longer applicable.
- Taxonomy
- us-gaap
- Name
- TimeSharingTransactionsSellersPoliciesWithRespectToMeetingCriteriaForCollectibilityOfSalesPrice - (DEPRECATED)
- Label
- Time-Sharing Transactions, Seller''s Policies with Respect to Meeting Criteria for Collectibility of Sales Price
- Period Type
- duration
- Type
- xbrli:stringItemType
- Definition
- The tests and methods used to evaluate whether sales prices are collectible. Collectibility is assessed by considering buyer''s commitment to pay which is supported by the amount of initial and continuing investments that give buyer a stake in property sufficient that risk of loss through default motivates buyer to honor obligation. Buyer''s credit standing, age and location of property are among the factors that are also considered.