Now you can click on numbers in 10-K/Qs and Earnings Press Releases to instantly insert Calcbench formulas directly into Excel. You can use this to build a model based on face financials or footnotes to the financials in minutes. 

 To open the window click on the Launch Disclosure Viewer button in the Calcbench Add-in Menu in Excel -

The standard Calcbench disclosure viewer will open -

When we open XBRL disclosure and click numbers in gold a formula will be inserted into Excel and the value will be retrieved -

The Company-Detail and Multi-Company pages are also rigged up for click-to-insert-formula.  If you open the Company-Detail page in the Disclosure Viewer window you can click on the numbers in the face statements to insert formulas.

If you need to enter a bunch of numbers from 10-K/Qs into Excel quickly sign up for a Calcbench trial @ and download the Excel Add-in @

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