Our Users

Financial Tools for Teaching & Research

There’s no need to access a terminal to get your financial data. With Calcbench, all students and faculty have easy, individual access to 10-Ks, 10-Qs, 8-Ks, Proxy Statements, and Earnings Releases.

In the Classroom

We work with a range of schools, from regional colleges to Ivy League universities. Join professors such as Leslie Robinson, Professor of Accounting at Dartmouth College and Ari Yezegal, Associate Professor of Accounting, Bentley University , who use Calcbench in the classroom for ‘real-life’ data.

Click to download our teaching sheet.

For all Modalities

Calcbench is great for online, hybrid, in-person, and experiential learning
  • Download financial statements
  • Look at how a company has progressed against their stated strategies
  • Show companies’ as-reported statements and subsequent revisions
  • Benchmark companies against their peers, industry and over time
See how Clinical Professor of Accounting Terry Campbell is using Calcbench in a remote experiential learning program at Indiana University.

Incorporate into Curricula

Calcbench is taught in conjunction with the following classes: data analytics, financial accounting (intro to advanced), managerial accounting, accounting information systems, financial statement analysis, audit & tax, investments, valuation, corporate finance, financial statement analysis, and more.

Hear Dr. Vern Richardson, Distinguished Professor of Accounting and W. Glezen chair, Walton School of Business at the University of Arkansas, speak about Data Analytics in Accounting.

Use in conjunction with your labs.

**Did you know Calcbench can fulfill the AACSB accreditation data analytics requirement?**

Prep Students for Industry Work

Demonstrate how to build successful skills. Get raw data and build Excel models with Calcbench.

Universities Get Behind the Data

Join top universities and thousands of students and professors who use Calcbench for teaching or to research in-depth financial topics.

Calcbench For Teaching or Research Use Cases

  • Bentley University - Interviews with Rani Hoitash (2021) and Ari Yezegal (2022). Professor Hoitash was an early adopter of XBRL and is interested in the opportunities and challenges posed by XBRL tagging. Professor Yezegal was our first user to integrate the Calcbench API into the classroom to teach Data Analytics in Accounting.
  • Bryant University - Interview with Saeed Rohani (2015). Professor Rohani teaches graduate students with real world applications
  • Colorado Mountain College - Interview with Kristi Brooks-Olk (2020). Professor Brooks-Olk shares how she uses Calcbench to engage students in hybrid and remote learning.
  • Columbia University's School of Professional Studies - Interview with Perry Beaumont (2022). Dr. Beaumont uses Calcbench to bridge theory and practice.
  • Dartmouth - Interview with Leslie Robinson (2020). Professor Robinson uses Calcbench to provide more relevant and accessible examples in the classroom as well as for researching topics where the data is buried deep within financial statement footnotes.
  • Indiana University - Interviews with Terry Campbell (2021) and Bridget Stomberg (2020). Clinical Professor Cambell uses Calcbench to help with Experiential Learning. Professor Stomberg requires custom data sets for her research and pulls data from Calcbench that she can't get from other financial data providers.
  • North Carolina State University - Interviews with Andy Schmidt (2021) and Don Pagach (2021). Professor Schmidt uses Calcbench to democratize financial information - giving hard to find data to students and professors. Professor Pagach access Calcbench data for research on risk practices and their integration with strategy and corporate governance.
  • NYU - Interview with Tom Phillips (2020). Professor Phillips helps students evaluate M&A valuations
  • OSU - Interview with Anne Beatty. Professor Beatty finds one-off examples to bring curricula to life in the classroom. She also uses Calcbench to dig into the rules of accounting because the details and layers of data are important.
  • University of Arkansas - Interview with Vern Richardson (2020). Webinar with Vern Richardson (2021). Professor Richardson teaches Data Analytics in the classroom. He's also written several textbooks on Data Analytics, his most recent incorporating Calcbench sourced data.
  • UT Austin - Interview with Lisa Koonce (2024). Professor Koonce teaches Intermediate Financial accounting and illustrates the topics that she teaches with Calcbench examples.
  • Interview with Olga Usvyatsky (2023). Usvayatski is an accounting expert and analyst as well as a Calcbench power user who uses the Calcbench platform in both academic and professional settings.

Perform Cutting Edge Research

Still hand-collecting data? Calcbench removes the tedious data-collection part of research and let’s you focus on the interesting work, the analysis.

Click to download our research sheet.

Read how researchers, Associate Professor of Accounting, Bridget Stomberg at Indiana University and Rani Hoitash, the John E. Rhodes Professor of Accounting at Bentley University use Calcbench in their research.

We’re cited in dozens of academic papers. Here’s a snapshot.

Measuring Accounting Reporting Complexity with XBRL
(R. Hoitash, U. Hoitash – The Accounting Review, 2018)
Information‐processing costs and breadth of ownership
(JB. Kim, B. Li, Z. Liu - Contemporary Accounting Research, 2019)
Intangible intensity and stock price crash risk
(K. Wu, S. Lai - Journal of Corporate Finance, 2020)
Early Evidence on the AS 3101 Critical Audit Matters Disclosure
(D. Hollie - Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting, 2020)
Examining the Immediate Effects of Recent Tax Law Changes on the Structure of Executive Compensation
(L. De Simone, C. McClure, B. Stomberg - Working paper)
A Reexamination of Earnings Management through Permanently Reinvested Earnings
(M. Mathis - Journal of the American Taxation Association, 2020)
Extended XBRL Tags and Financial Analysts' Forecast Error and Dispersion
(J. Johnston - Journal of Information Systems, 2020)
Does visualization matter? The role of interactive data visualization to make sense of information
(A. Perdana, A. Robb, F. Rohde - Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 2018)
Financial analysts' career concerns and the cost of private debt
(B. Francis. I. Hasan, L. Liu, Q. Wu, Y. Zhao - Journal of Corporate Finance, 2021)
Does the financial reporting for income tax expense affect financial reporting quality? Evidence from the timeliness of goodwill impairments
(Z. King, D. Lynch, B. Stomberg, S. Utke - Working paper)
Intangible assets on the balance sheet and audit fees
(G. Visvanathan - International Journal of Disclosure and Governance, 2017)
The Asymmetric Effect of Warranty Payments on Firm Value: The Moderating Role of Advertising, R&D, and Industry Concentration
(D. Kurt, K. Pauwels, A. Kurt, S. Srinivasan - International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2021)

Available at One Affordable University Price

Access our Company in Detail, Multi-Company, Interactive Disclosures, Bulk Data Query, and Excel add-in tools at the Premium level, for $6,000 per year, for the entire school.

Looking for more information hidden in the ‘dark corners’ of the footnotes, e.g., purchase price allocation or earnings release and non-GAAP data? Sign up for our Professional level, for $12,000 per year, for the entire school, both faculty and students.

Contact us for a demo. Email academics@calcbench.com

FREE Calcbench Premium
Two Week Trial

Research financial & accounting data like never before. Get features designed for better insights. Try our enhanced Excel Add-in. Sign up now to try the Premium Suite.