Thursday, June 27, 2024

The second quarter of 2024 draws to a close this week, which means Q2 earnings reports reports should start to arrive about two weeks after that — but when, exactly? And once the window opens, how quickly does the trickle of earnings reports turn into a flood? 

To answer that question in a fun way, Calcbench looked at the distribution of filing dates for second-quarter of 2023 and plotted them into a chart. See Figure 1, below.

As you can see, the first few weeks of July are quiet. Usually the Wall Street banks go first in mid-July, with the tech giants about a week later, and a few other large businesses (the airlines, for example) reporting as well. Not until the end of July do we see filing volume really start to spike, and then it reaches its peak at the start of August.

Also note that Thursdays seem to be the busiest filing days of the week, presumably so that good reports can leave you feeling great for the weekend and bad ones can be forgotten by the subsequent Monday.

Presumably Q2 reports for this year will follow a similar distribution pattern as the 2023 pattern depicted above. In a subsequent post, we’ll look at the morning release times (aka pre-open) versus those in the afternoon (post-close).

And of course, you can always get email alerts from Calcbench, giving you the head’s up whenever companies you follow file their latest earnings release or any other disclosure. Read our previous post about setting up email alerts, and then strap yourself in for the Q2 earnings starting next month!

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