Today we bring another sector update from our crack Calcbench research department, this time examining financial trends in the business services sector.
The report examines the financial data of more than 300 firms identifying as “business services, not elsewhere classified” according to SIC code 7389. That can be anything from payment services, to business agents or resellers, to our personal favorite, “filling pressure containers with hairspray, insecticide, etc.”
We looked at financial data this group reported from 2011 through 2016. The complete report is on our Research Page, and we have a few highlights below. Alas, we did not break out sub-categories for hairspray versus insecticide.
The report also looks at Days Sales Outstanding for various firms, ranking them on a bar chart scale. DSO is a useful metric for quality of customer credit, and can identify red flags for firms that might have too many customers promising for too long that the check is in the mail.
This sector report can be the starting point for additional company-specific research you want to do on companies you follow: get the sector trends here, then visit our Company in Detail page to see how your target company performs against sector norms. And as always, Calcbench can help subscribers with specific research requests; all you need to do is ask.