Devotees of corporate disclosure, rejoice! Calcbench has yet again expanded our troves of data available to you, and you can now search for all disclosures companies might make in their Form 8-Ks.
Corporate filers use the Form 8-K to report any “material corporate events” that happen outside the normal quarterly and annual reports. That could be anything from a bankruptcy filing, to a merger deal, to an executive’s sudden departure, to announcing a financial restatement. The SEC has a complete list on its website — which is the whole point of our news today.
Until now, Calcbench subscribers could only search for earnings release data submitted via 8-K filing. Now, on our Interactive Disclosure page, you can search all disclosures a company might make with the Form 8-K.
How do you find all this information? Easy. Just go to the Interactive Disclosure page, and pull up the “Choose footnote/disclosure type” menu on the left-hand side. Scroll to the bottom — which is a ways down, because, ya know, we offer that many data choices — and you’ll see all the choices for “8Ks by Item Type.” You’ll see disclosures like this, below.
Select the one you want, and you can then start searching for text strings within that 8-K disclosure type. (The text search field is on the right-hand side. And all of this presumes you’ve already chosen the companies you want to search, which you can do at the top of the search page.)
That’s really all there is to it. Now you can dive even more deeply into the data — which, of course, is what Calcbench is all about.