Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Great news for Calcbench enthusiasts young and old! We have released our first-ever webinar, where one of the leading thinkers on financial analysis talks about the big challenges he sees for the profession today and how data analytics can help answer them.

The webinar, 48 minutes long, features a discussion with Marc Siegel, a 10-year veteran of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (and a 25-year veteran of financial analysis) who left FASB earlier this summer. Siegel graciously agreed to talk with us about astute ways to wrangle good insight out of financial statements, new accounting standards affecting financial analysis, and more.

You can find the webinar on our website, and on YouTube as well. Free to all, just pull up a computer screen and have a listen.

Siegel takes up the first half of the webinar. Then we talk with our own CEO here, Pranav Ghai, who gives some specific examples of how you can use Calcbench to analyze the issues Siegel raises. Which is also good stuff to watch, and we’re not saying that just because Ghai is the one who signs the paychecks around here.

Some of the specific topics the webinar covers:

  • Rollforwards, and how to interpret the information reported in them;
  • Critical accounting policies and how you can find ones that have changed;
  • New accounting standards for revenue recognition and operating leases, and the implications they have for financial analysis;
  • Where to find all those details specifically in the Calcbench database world.

We’re eager to hear what you think of the webinar, or your ideas for future webinars (subjects we should explore, experts we should interview). Always feel free to drop us a line at

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