Good news for Calcbench subscribers trying to keep pace with firms revising or rescinding their earnings guidance this year: we’ve revamped our Recent Filings page so you can quickly identify those firms and their 8-K filings.
Starting this week, the Recent Filings page now shows you which firms have filed a Form 8-K, plus the category of that filing — including “Guidance Update,” which is becoming quite the popular category as Covid-19 turns previous earnings estimates upside-down.
You can see what we mean in Figure 1, below. Community Health Systems ($CYH) and Genuine Parts Co. ($GPC) are two firms that updated their guidance on April 6, along with a few other filers further down the list and not shown here.
Guidance updates don’t arrive with any particular rhyme or reason; you might see a bunch of them on one day, then none for several more days. So if you want to keep track of which firms are updating guidance, you have two choices.
First, check the Recent Filings page often, to see who has been filing what. Or, build a list of firms that you follow, and set your email alert preferences so that Calcbench gives you an automated head’s up any time one of those firms files something with the SEC.
We typically have those filings indexed and cataloged within minutes of a firm submitting the filing to the SEC, so your alert should arrive promptly.
All part of trying to bring you the most precise data, when you need it.