Another consequence of the Covid-19 crisis: cuts to executive compensation, which are starting to appear fast and furious in corporate disclosure filings.
You may have seen stories of those pay cuts in the headlines. Well, they also qualify as events to be reported in Form 8-K filings, and you can see them as they arrive in the Calcbench Recent Filings page.
We pulled together just a few from the last two weeks:
You can also search for compensation cuts by doing a “proximity search” on our Interactive Disclosures page. In that case, you want to enter relevant search terms in quotes in the text search box on the right side of the page, followed by a tilde and a number.
For example, if you wanted to search filings that had the words “salary” and “reduction” within 10 words of each other, you’d type "salary reduction"~10. Or you could try "compensation reduction"~10 or "pay reduction"~10 or so forth. See Figure 1, below.
While we’re here, let us also shamelessly plug our Executive Compensation Report from last month, looking at trends in executive compensation across all firms in the 2010s. It explores overall growth in compensation, changes in types of compensation, and how trends in executive pay compare to trends in corporate financial performance.
That study looked at 2010-18. We’ll have an update including 2019 numbers later this spring.