This blog will outline the importance of and the steps to getting data out of the press releases that Calcbench has been collecting for the past two years.

Corporate press releases are released ahead of the quarterly earnings call that the company has with analysts and investors. The press release has information that won’t necessarily get into the 10-Q / 10-K. For those reasons, it becomes important for users to get this data.

Historically, users only had access to this data by manually collecting the releases and then inserting data (hand keying information) into their spreadsheets/databases.

Today, that has changed.

Using Calcbench, a client can get this data in a few different ways. First, they can simply view it online. They can collect data from the web by exporting it. Or, they can bypass the web and access this data DIRECTLY through our Excel Add In or the Calcbench API.

See below from the income statement section of Paychex 8-K that came in on the morning of October 6, 2020. Also, note that this information collection process pertains not only to the Income statement but also to the Balance Sheet and the Cash Flow statement. Calcbench also captures tables of data as well, including GAAP to NON-GAAP reconciliation tables.

Visit Calcbench disclosures page and retrieve the 8-K in full or read it online. Or, for more information on our earnigngs press release tools, go to:

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