Sunday, March 7, 2021

Great news for everyone addicted to auditing, accounting, and data analytics — our webinar on exactly that subject is now available for your viewing pleasure on YouTube!

We had an excellent discussion, exploring everything from the practical steps necessary to use data analytics in a project; to the skills necessary to put analytics to best use in the corporate world; to several examples from our speakers of how they use analytics in their work today.

Our speakers, by the way, were two leading thinkers in the field:

  • Brian Wolohan, partner in charge of the audit innovation team at Grant Thornton; and a member of the data analytics task force at the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.
  • Vern Richardson, professor of accounting at the University of Arkansas, who has been working in data analytics for years and literally wrote the book the subject — aptly named Data Analytics for Accounting.

Anyway, you can watch the full webinar (roughly one hour long) on the Calcbench YouTube channel, or just press play for the embedded video below.

As always, if you have a suggestion for our next webinar or other analytics projects we should undertake, drop us a line at any time.

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