At Calcbench we love seeing how people use our data. Particularly rewarding, given our many years spent in the classroom, are the citations by professors conducting academic research.
A couple of years ago, we shared several articles written by our academic friends. Given the success of this post, we thought we’d update our blog readers with some of the latest research. Note: to see other topics that utilize Calcbench data, head to and type “Calcbench” in the search bar. You’ll find nearly 100 results.
Below are some recent examples of papers that include Calcbench mentions:
- The Asymmetric Effect of Warranty Payments on Firm Value: The Moderating Role of Advertising R&D, and Industry Concentration (D. Kurt, K. Pauwels, A. Kurt, S. Srinivasan - International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2021)
- Financial Analysts’ Career Concerns and The Cost of Private Debt (B. Francis, I. Hasan, L. Liu, Q. Wu, Y. Zhao - Journal of Corporate Finance, 2021)
- A Reexamination of Earnings Management Through Permanently Reinvested Earnings (M. Mathis - Journal of the American Taxation Association, 2020)
- Extended XBRL Tags and Financial Analysts’ Forecast Error and Dispersion (J. Johnston - Journal of Information Systems, 2020)
- Intangible Intensity and Stock Price Crash Risk (K. Wu, S. Lai - Journal of Corporate Finance, 2020)
- Early Evidence on the AS 3101 Critical Audit Matters Disclosure (D. Hollie - Journal of Forensic Investigative Accounting, 2020)
For some additional mentions visit our academics page. Dozens of universities are using Calcbench today to access reliable financial data and information deep within financial statements for their research needs.