There has been a fair amount written about XBRL ( eXtensible Business Reporting Language) being too difficult or too error prone to use in everyday work. We share the pain with user community. At our company, Calcbench, we are experts at making this data useable for the end user. Here is one such example: Yesterday’s WSJ had an article about company writedowns by Emily Chasan and Maxwell Murphy (i.e. Impairment).
Impairment is related to Goodwill. How would you get a list of Goodwill on companies balance sheets very quickly. Our query tools allow you to do an analysis like this very quickly. Here’s a list of the top 25 firms with the largest ratios of Goodwill to Assets (all dollar values are in millions USD). Hint: We have the entire universe – the top 25 is just a sample.
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