Strap yourselves in, Calcbench subscribers and financial analysts everywhere! We are about to be hit by a flood of Q3 earnings releases. Calcbench will, of course, be with you for every drop of financial data that washes upon our shores.
The week ending Oct. 20 saw 80 firms in the S&P 500 file their Q3 reports. Revenue growth for those firms was 5 percent compared to the year-ago period; net income jumped 24 percent from the year-ago period and 19.4 percent from Q2.
Figure 1, below, shows the growth in revenue for those 80 firms.
And Figure 2, below, shows the same for GAAP net income.
Many more S&P 500 firms will file their Q3 reports this coming week, and by the end of October almost all S&P 500 firms on a calendar year-end schedule should have their numbers out. Calcbench is updating our quarterly earnings analysis in real time, as companies file their earnings, via a spreadsheet we are maintaining on DropBox for Calcbench subscribers.
Already, however, market analysts expect Q3 and perhaps even Q4 to look quite impressive. How true will that prediction be? We don’t know yet, but Calcbench will capture every bit of data as it arrives so you can reach your own conclusions swiftly and correctly.